Our Workshops
Our symposium workshops are facilitated by Black Educators for Black Educators.
10:15 AM - 11:15 AM | 10:15 AM - 12:15 PM | 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM |
Let’s Get Rebellious | The More Reflective...The More Effective: I-C-U | Parents and Family Professional Development: Giving parents the Edge, Giving Teachers the Insight |
Leaving A Legacy: Elevating Voices, Removing Barriers, and Creating a Healthy Culture | Leveraging the Power of Design for System Transformation | Mindfulness For All Of Us |
Centering The Black Experience on the Oregon Trail: Using Curriculum to Center Black Voices | Leaving A Legacy: Elevating Voices, Removing Barriers, and Creating a Healthy Culture |

Vera Ahiyya
Let’s Get Rebellious!
10:15 AM - 11:15 AM
Children yearn to see themselves in our classrooms. Using my book, Rebellious Read Alouds, we'll discover how our culture reveals itself in the classroom and make connections between diversity and our students using children's books.
Leveraging the Power of Design for System Transformation
10:15 AM - 12:15 PM
"Racism and inequity are products of design. They can be redesigned." -equityXdesign
What if we empowered those who were most impacted by racism and discrimination to redesign classrooms, communities, and systems that fully see, acknowledge and love them?
During this workshop, we'll explore the power of design using practical tools to create a radically different experience for Black students.

Camille Idedevbo

Dr. Xylecia Fynn
The More Reflective...The More Effective: I-C-U
10:15 AM - 12:15 PM
This learning experience will examine how reflective practice can be used to increase dignifying, just, and equitable schooling practices. Reflective practitioners that are critically self aware are more effective in serving their school communities. The reflective practitioner can boldly declare "I-C-U." Critical self-reflection empowers practitioners to challenge personal assumptions, preferences, and biases and better understand how they are showing up in practice and how they might consider alternate realities. The presenter will integrate personal narrative/journaling, poetry, and visuals to introduce participants to the Reflect-Respond-Relate framework.
Centering The Black Experience on the Oregon Trail: Using Curriculum to Center Black Voices
10:15 AM - 12:15 PM
Although learning about the Oregon Trail is a required part of many school curriculums, the Black experience on the Oregon Trail is often forgotten and left out. This workshop is designed to introduce teachers to Oregon Trail curriculum that centers the Black Experience and examines the exclusionary practices and laws that caused Oregon to miss out on the skills, ideas and contributions of many Black Americans.

Lauren Kristensen and Zachary Stocks

Dori King
Mindfulness For All Of Us
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
If every 8-year-old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation.” – Dalai Lama
Let’s explore mindfulness and meditation together! We will explore how we can intentionally cultivate mindfulness and meditation practices for ourselves and the children we work with each day. You will leave with resources and practices to use in your classrooms and a path to begin or deepen your own practices.
Parents and Family Professional Development: Giving parents the edge, giving teachers the insight
10:15 AM - 11:15 AM
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Every family functions as a HOME LEARNING ENVIRONMENT,
regardless of its structure, economic level, ethnic or cultural background. Consequently, every family has the potential to support and improve the academic achievement of its children in concert with the schools and community.
During this workshop learn ways to connect home, school, and community to maximize student academic growth.

Michael "Chappie" Grice

Dr. Paul Coakley
Leaving A Legacy: Elevating Voices, Removing Barriers, and Creating a Healthy Culture
10:15 AM - 11:15 AM
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
This session provides educational leaders with strategies, tools and motivational stories to help them leave a legacy that is building on empowering others, removing barriers and building a healthy culture that is focused on student success. The superintendent shares insights on his leadership journey while broadening perspectives and promoting change to increase access and opportunities, and interrupting disparities and disproportionate outcomes for students. Participants will connect with one another to discuss their personal racial equity journeys and leave this session with strategies that can be used to strengthen their work of leaving a legacy for future generations.